ABC Broccoli!
ABC Broccoli! is an educational television show aimed at teaching Japanese children English, through the TPR (Total Physical Response) learning method. The show is set as a variety show, and is perhaps most easily comparable to Sesame Street. Each episode is centered around teaching children a new set of verbs or phrases taught through the daily happenings and adventures of a band of wannabe circus misfits.
ABC Broccoli! premiered on Kids Station, Japan’s primary children’s television channel, on October 2, 2017. I worked on 3 seasons and produced 40 episodes of ABC Broccoli! The show was Kids Station’s number one show from 2017-2018. ABC Broccoli! is currently on its fourth season, and continues to air on the Kids Station channel Monday-Friday from 10:30AM. While I was not involved in the production of the fourth season, many of the unreleased and previously aired segments I produced during my time working on the show have been used throughout this season.
During my time on the show, I helped direct and produce:
40 episodes (30 minutes in length)
19 different segment series (each with a number of different versions and episodes)
12 music videos (9 standalone videos + 1 opening theme video + 2 ending theme videos)
7 exercise videos
9 finger songs
As the only native English speaker on a small production team of 5, I had a number of jobs and responsibilities. My responsibilities included episode programming, theme and storyline development, scriptwriting and editing, translation, songwriting, costume design, prop buyer and maker, voice work, segment and short development, animation, graphic design, illustration, casting, producing, video editing, and art directing.
Client: Kids Station Inc.
Director / Producer / Art Direction:
Seasons 1 & 2
Yohei Takahashi, Erika Omura Schmidt, Daisuke Okada, Sayaka Fukui
Season 3
Yohei Takahashi, Erika Omura Schmidt, Kanako Tanzawa, Munetoshi Takubo
Production Company: Vista Co. Ltd.
Executive Producer: Jinko Ishino
*(also - most images on this page are hover-over activated gifs // some are clickable links!)
Responsible for:
Story - Theme and Storyline Development, Scriptwriting and Editing, Directing
Regular Story Episodes
Regular episodes featured stories and segments centered around a pair of verbs.
Similar to the normal story episode programming, also featured a variety show style and featured a number or music videos and other miscellaneous shorts and segments woven throughout the duration of the episode.
I helped direct and produce 32 different story-based episodes during my time working on the ABC Broccoli! show.

Episode #14: The Mysterious Eggs

Episode #18: I Broke It!
Fun Fun Review Episodes
Every 5th episode of ABC Broccoli! was a Fun Fun Review episode.
The Fun Fun Review episodes covered the topics and themes explored in the previous 4 regular episodes, but typically included more segments and music videos. Instead of focusing on a theme with a distinctive plot and storyline, like a normal episode, the Fun Fun Reviews were typically centered around a panel of related images that Alisa quizzed the characters on throughout the episode.
I helped direct and produce 8 different Fun Fun Review episodes during my time working on the ABC Broccoli! show.

Episode #25: Fun Fun Review Vol. 5

Episode #30: Fun Fun Review Vol. 6
Animated Segments & Shorts - Direction, Development, and Animation
Para Para // Flipbook Animations
I illustrated, animated, and directed 32 different “para para”, flipbook-esque style animations. Animation ranged between 25 seconds to 1 minute in length and showcased the spotlighted verbs or phrases of each episode. Animations were intended to look simplistic and hand drawn, as if they were drawn by a child.
note: sound not available for some of the included animations within the compilation due to copyright claims and music licensing.

Fukuwarai Picasso
Fukuwarai is a Japanese game similar to that of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. I created a number of distinct faces and animated them in a way that payed homage to this classic game to help teach children the English words for the different parts of the face.
Other Animated Segments
Counting to10
I created two short animated games of hide-and-go-seek to help children learn to count to 10 in English.

Hinowa Kuguri // Rings of Fire

Yoko Scroll // Side Scroll

Kyou no Meigen // Quote of the Day

Chōjū Giga


Kūchū Buranko // Trapeze Act

Shell Game
Wrote the scripts and chose the sets of vocabulary words featured within the animated segment series above.
Provided voice work for a number of these animations .
Other Segments & Shorts - Direction, Design, and Development

End Corner: What’s in the Box?
Co-wrote and directed a segment series where Alisa uncovers a mysterious object hidden within a box. After she lifts up the box, she then uses the object to review the highlighted English verb(s) of the episode. We created 32 different versions of this segment.

Tsukaeru to Benri // Useful Phrases
Co-directed and produced a mostly unscripted segment series in which Alisa and Broccoli teach the children a useful English phrase. Phrases included “Break a leg!”, “That’s cool!”, “Maybe next time!”, and “Give it back!”.

Quiz Korenanda? // Quiz: What is it?
Co-directed and produced an mostly unscripted segment series in which Alisa and the 3 children try to win Cauliflower’s game of charades. We produced 4 versions of this segment. Games included acting as a car, a cow, a crab, and Cauliflower eating donuts.

Otegami Corner // Letters to Pao and Usa
Art directed and developed a corner where Paoppo and Usarine read letters from their friends asking for advice. We created 2 different versions of this segment.

Point Fukushuu // Targeted Review
Co-directed and produced and a silent film-like segment series where Alisa and Cauliflower act out a scenario spotlighting the selected verbal theme of the episode. This was the only English-only segment, with Alisa voicing both parts. I directed 32 versions of this segment.

Hayakuchi Kotoba // Tongue Twister Time
Co-wrote and created a tongue twister segment series. Alisa and Paoppo rushed to recite the tongue twisters in English while Usarine translated and recited them in Japanese. We created 8 different versions of this segment.

10 Little Fingers
Produced and art directed a segment series where the children sing different reworked variations of the well known “`10 Little Indians” song. I reworked 3 different versions of this songs, which included dancing boys, dancing girls, and dancing dogs.

Oekaki Corner // Drawing with Gamio
Helped develop a segment series where Paoppo and Usarine try to guess what Gamio is drawing. We created 3 different versions of this segment, and included drawings of a koala, a spider, and a bulldozer.

Cauli-Bro Corner
Co-wrote and directed a segment series where Alisa teaches Broccoli and Cauliflower how to pronounce words that sound similar but are quite different in meaning. We produced 4 versions of this segment. Words included cat vs. cut, bus vs. bath, seat vs. sheet, and fry vs. fly.

Iriguchi Konto // Entrance Skit
Produced, directed, and co-wrote a segment series where Alisa and Gamio perform a skit outside of their circus caravan where they speak directly to the audience. The series was irreverent in nature and was littered with non sequiturs. We created 3 different versions of this skit.

Te Asobi // Finger Songs (Assorted)
Co-produced, wrote, and directed a segment series where Alisa sang original and reworked versions of traditional English and Japanese nursery rhymes and “finger songs”. I produced 9 different versions of this segment. I co-wrote 4 different original songs and reworked and rewrote 5 different traditional songs.
Music Videos - Art Direction, Songwriting, and Illustration
Opening Theme: Circus Shake
Ending Theme: Yes No Boogie (Yes + No Versions)
Go Animals Go!
Papapapa Punk
I am the Music Girl
Ghost Dance
Laugh Machine
Cauli-Bro Rock
Co-directed and produced 12 music videos for the show.
(1 opening theme song video, 2 versions of the ending theme song, and 9 standalone videos - with 2 versions of the Cauli-Bro Rock video)
Co-wrote song lyrics and helped come up with the basic melodies for our music producer. Helped with art direction, set design, and styling work.
Drew and animated the illustrations for the Papapapa Punk video.
Exercise Videos - Art Direction, Songwriting, and Choreography
Co-directed and produced 7 exercise videos.
(3 Sakasama Taiso videos and 4 Futon Taiso videos)
Co-wrote song lyrics and helped come up with the basic melodies for our music producer. Helped with art direction, set design, and styling work.
Drew and animated the illustrations for the Papapapa Punk video.
Costume & Puppet Design

I designed and created a paper mâché snowman that fit a small 5'2 actor. I installed a small built-in fan in its head, so that it could blow air out of it's mouth. The snowman sat atop a cart which made it easy to wheel around set.

I designed and created a paper mâché puppet rooster that I voiced and controlled. I added interchangable magnetic eye styles to be snapped into place for the moments in the episode where the rooster was supposed to be asleep.

We decided to rewrite and change the script of episode 12 last minute, and therefore didn't leave enough time to ask our costume design team to create a costume for Ms. Flower, a new character that we debuted in the episode. I took over and designed and created a costume and flower pot for the character.
Prop Sourcing & Creation

The Picture Books (Ep #21: Our Flea Market)

A Mushroom (Ep #23: The Touch Touch Game)

Otegami Corner Postcards (2 Types)

A Medicine Bottle (Ep #32: Take Care Everyone)

10 Little Fingers Gloves (2 Types)

The Cauli-Bro Series Panels (4 Sets)
I helped design, create, and bought + sourced props for all 40 episode of the show.
The images displayed above are just a few select examples of props that I personally designed and created for the show.
Other - Design

Set Posters (4 Types)